Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The three keys to unlocking a promotion

Another winning performance by Mr. President.


Good evening fellow Toastmaster, friends and colleagues.

The motto of our club is “Friends helping friends to succeed”.
I have gained so much personal growth in these meetings that I feel it is just common courtesy that I give something back to help all of you here tonight to succeed.
I am going to share with you what are the three keys to unlocking a promotion?

In the17 years that I have been in this company, I have had many, many promotions.
As a manager of people I have also given promotions to many.
From my years of experience, I have observed and come up with some guiding principles on what it takes to get a promotion.

The first key to getting a promotion is, “You must make yourself appear competent”.
The key word here is “APPEAR”. It is not enough that you are competent but you must make others see and belief that you are competent. There are some who are “legends in their own minds”. They hold strong belief that they are competent but have done nothing to make others see their abilities. The problem is, when it comes to a promotion, how you see yourself is not as important as how others see you. How people perceive you is dependent on how you interact and communicate with them.

Being in Toastmasters gives you an advantage, an opportunity to hone your skills as a leader and a communicator. However, becoming an outstanding public speaker is not enough. You must find opportunities to showcase your communication skills and be recognized as a great public speaker in the company. Give powerful presentations in meetings, be a confident MC in a company function, show people that you are a Competent Communicator and make yourself visible as a Competent Leader.

The second key ingredient to getting a promotion is, “Make yourself redundant”.
There are many, in this company, who have been doing the same job for 10, 15 years.
They are very good at what they do but the problem is that they don’t have an able or ready successor. They are so good at what they do that nobody considers them for another job because it’s just too painful to find a replacement for them. No manager wants to fill a position by creating a problem in another area. Before you can be promoted, you must have an able and ready successor. You must show that you can develop people. This is a very important trait especially for leadership positions. In fact the more senior the leadership position, the more critical it is that you have the ability to groom a successor.

The third key ingredient to a promotion is “Opportunity must knock”.
Before one can be promoted, a position must first become available to create the opportunity for you. The first two key ingredients, appearing competent and making yourself redundant are entirely within your control but the third “opportunity” is entirely up to luck or fate. You cannot control opportunity but you can make sure opportunities come up more frequently for you. Promotion opportunities usually come up in your own division because people know you Making other senior managers recognize your talents and see you as a competent leader will put you in their minds. The adage “Out of sight, out of mind” holds very true here. Many promotion opportunities go to waste because people are overlooked or even seen as not ready

Now that you know the three keys to a promotion, I want you to visualize a door with 3 locks. The door is the gateway to your promotion. To open the door you need the three keys “Appearing Competent”, “Making yourself redundant” and “Opportunity”.
You can’t open the door if you do not have all three keys with you.

So if you appear competent and an opportunity comes a long but you have no able and ready successor, then you will miss the boat. If you appear competent and you have an able and ready successor but an opportunity does not comes up, then of course there is no promotion and you have to wait for one.
You need all the three keys at the same time to be able get a promotion.

I urge you all to take charge of your careers. Make sure you appear competent to everyone and make sure you have a capable successor, so when opportunity knocks, you can grab your promotion.

I hope I have enlightened you on what it takes to get a promotion and that I have been able to live up to our clubs’ motto of “Friends helping friends to Succeed”.

Back to you.

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